Important information for tomorrow

If you read only one thing on this site, make it this one.

WebCamp Zagreb 2017 conference is tomorrow! Doors open in less than 24 hours. Hope you are excited as we are and that you will have the best possible experience. To make sure it happens that way, we have put down some very important info for you to read.

Come early, bring a ticket

Doors open at 8:30 am - we strongly suggest that you do not wait until the last moment to pick up your conference accreditation as it always gets crowded right before opening word. We have prepared bagels, fruit and coffee so you can skip breakfast at home.

Do not forget your ticket as we need to scan it. You can bring it on your phone, it does not have to be printed. We do not check your identification, so if you are attending with ticket from your friend that could not make it, it is OK.

Is this your first conference ever?

It could be a bit overwhelming - big crowd, many lectures, lots of things happening simultaneously. Luckily, Demir from Toptal wrote this excellent article how to get the most out of attending a conference. Read it!

Be excellent with each other

We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Offensive language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organisers.

By attending the WebCamp Zagreb 2017 conference, you agree to our Code of Conduct which will be firmly enforced.

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