The Async nightmare

Promises are awesome, but designers and developers have to agree that they are really hard to get right.

Most of our apps are connected to at least one service. Building UI-s requires considering all the various ways in which services can fail us. Network latency, handling timeouts, retries, errors, canceling, etc is a lot of work to get right. But users demand applications that are reliable and usable. This talk will showcase all those scenarios and how both designers and developers need to get this right. It is easy to design simple UI and success path, but what about all those corner case scenarios? Corner cases should not produce corner users. Developers have it easy - they simply have to handle all such code paths because…because otherwise code won’t work. Come to this session to explore the nightmare introduced by asynchronous code.

Saturday, 2017-10-07 @ 12:15
> Skill level: intermediate
> Duration: 45 min

Photo of Toni Petrina

Toni Petrina

Started in QBasic, went through C++ to C#, finally settled in ECMAScript. Worked on desktop, mobile and web apps, currently working as full stack developer. Frequent speaker at conferences, user groups and local events. He spends most of the time at the keyboard typing yet another demo or application. If you take his keyboard away from him, he will talk endlessly about code...and functional programming. Been coding for over a decade to know if something is a programming fad or not. And no, functional programming is not a fad at all. Strong proponent of Open Source and all things chocolate. Loves mobile and game development, web and cloud services. Too little time for too many things. Especially for funct.....never mind!

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