Turn Zero to Hero

What are empty states and what makes them one of key UI/UX elements on the screen?

We don't see it, but when we open a brand new dashboard or install a fresh app we can feel if we're missing some guidance. That's why we need to explain what's going on, where is user & when action will occur on screen.

It should be fast, simple and personal. That's why we have an empty state - one who turns zero to the hero and represents user's candle in the vast darkness of UX.

Friday, 2017-10-06 @ 15:05
> Skill level: elementary
> Duration: 25 min

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Photo of Mihael Tomić

Mihael Tomić

Currently, I’m working at Osijek-based company Mono as a frontend designer. I design and implement stuff. I don’t do javascript (ok, just easy stuff).

I like to eat, drink - repeat. And write about it. That's why I'm an editor and writer at Taste of Croatia.

Also, I’m organizing Front_end Meetup with a few friends — I just like organizing things and... this one is pretty self-explanatory.

Oh, yeah, I also started Digital Design Academy initiative under Mono and Osijek Software City - a starting point for young designers.

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